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Food Sensitivity Test

Could a Food Sensitivity Be Keeping You From Losing Weight?

When trying to lose weight, most people focus only on calories and fat. But, there are other things that impact your weight. A food sensitivity may be behind physical symptoms such as bloating and stubborn weight that you can’t shed.

Even foods that seem healthy can inhibit weight loss if they trigger an inflammatory reaction. It's important to know the signs of a suspected food intolerance to keep it from destroying your weight loss efforts.

Food sensitivity is one of the most overlooked factors when it comes to illness, fatigue and mood issues. It can also indirectly cause weight gain. Many people who struggle to lose weight are eating foods that leave their bodies inflamed. This response prevents weight loss. Just because you don't feel discomfort when eating foods doesn't mean that you don't suffer from a food allergy. That's because many people have delayed food allergies instead of point-of-contact allergies.

What's a Delayed Food Allergy?

Most of us are familiar with lethal peanut or shellfish allergies. These types of allergies produce severe and sometimes lethal reactions. We assume that these are the only allergies that matter. However, delayed food allergies can produce symptoms that can interfere with our health.

A delayed food allergy occurs when your body can't digest a specific food. As a result, your immune system will have an adverse reaction. This reaction can cause prolonged symptoms. Because the symptoms are delayed, people don’t connect their symptoms to the foods they've eaten. As a result, people often live with chronic symptoms that masquerade as other illnesses. Delayed food allergies can interfere with your body's ability to process nutrients, burn calories, and let go of excess fluid. That is because it leaves your body in a constant state of inflammation.

The Food Sensitivity Checklist

Could your inability to shed unwanted pounds be due to a food intolerance? This is a possibility if you've been unsuccessful with portion control and exercise. A food sensitivity could be the culprit behind your weight-loss problems if you:

  • Need to lose more than 20 pounds
  • Have dieted repeatedly, and consistently with poor or no results
  • Retain large amounts of fluid for no reason
  • Experience sudden mood swings or anxiety
  • Routinely suffer from diarrhea, constipation or an upset stomach
  • Suffer from joint or muscle pain
  • Experience dry, itchy skin
  • Often feel tired

The above symptoms could indicate that an undiagnosed food allergy could be the reason why you’re not able to lose weight. Body pain, fluid retention, and exhaustion caused by a food allergy can sabotage your best efforts to eat healthy foods. That is because your mind and body are not working optimally while in a reactive state. What's more, pain and a lack of energy can make it impossible to exercise consistently.

Finally, Understand Why You Are Having Trouble Losing Weight

Most people are able to learn why their efforts at diet and exercise have failed once they consult with a food sensitivity doctor. The default mode of most doctors is to only focus on the calorie and fat totals that are going into your body. However, this approach overlooks the ways certain foods can trigger autoimmune responses. Even natural, healthy foods can sabotage your weight loss and zap you of energy if they trigger an allergic response in your body.

Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinics can help you get to the bottom of why you're struggling to shed pounds. We can perform food sensitivity testing, answer your questions, and explain your results.

Reach out today if you suspect that food sensitivity could be sabotaging your ability to lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Could a Food Allergy or Intolerance Be Preventing Me From Losing Weight?

Yes, it is possible that an undiagnosed food allergy could be keeping you from shedding unwanted weight. The only way to get a clear answer is to see a food sensitivity doctor to have a test conducted.

What Foods Are Tested by a Food Sensitivity Test?

Your body's immune response to a wide variety of foods will be tested. The list of common allergens that are looked at includes milk, wheat, soy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, gluten, lactose and MSG.

Do Any Factors Put Me at Higher Risk for Food Sensitivity?

The following things can put you at risk:
  • A family history of food allergies
  • A personal history of food allergies
  • Asthma
  • What's the Treatment for Food Sensitivity?

    If you test positive for sensitivity to a food, the treatment will be to cut that food from your diet. Many patients see noticeable results once a triggering food has left their system. It is also important to become knowledgeable about how to use substitutions to avoid triggering a response.

    Can't I Just Eliminate Certain Foods on My Own to Discover What's Triggering My Allergy?

    No, an elimination diet is just a supplemental measure. It is not a primary diagnostic tool. You may find it helpful to eliminate certain foods from your diet once you suspect that you suffer from food sensitivity. However, trying to simply discover what you are allergic to by eliminating random foods from your diet is not likely to work. Plus, it is especially difficult to do if you have reactions to multiple foods. A full food sensitivity test provides an accurate way to get an overview of the way your body responds to a variety of foods. However, elimination may be a useful tool to include in the overall diagnostic strategy.

    Where Can I Find Food Sensitivity Testing Near Me?

    Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinics offers a food sensitivity test Chicago guests at our facility can utilize. In addition to administering this test, our facility will assist with explaining your results and helping to make a plan for weight loss.

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