According to statistics, an estimated 500 million adults in the world are obese. If the problem isn’t addressed, it is estimated that this number will rise to 1 billion by 2030. These figures are worrying but thanks to advances in healthcare and weight loss programs, there is help available. Following the Keto diet for weight loss is one such option.
If you’re currently struggling with your weight, there are many weight loss options open to you. At the Chicago Weight Loss Clinic, we can explain some of these to you, including the various diet plans that can help you lose weight. One of these is the keto diet, and chances are, you may have heard about it already. In this article, we will explain what it is and how it can help you lose weight.
A keto (ketogenic) diet is a low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat diet that can help you lose weight. It is recommended by a number of healthcare practitioners and aside from weight loss, it has many health-boosting benefits.
This type of eating plan is about reducing your carbs and upping your fats to force your body to use fat as a form of energy. After several days on the keto diet, your body enters into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketones are then produced from the liver to replace your missing carbs and at this point, your body will start to burn fat for more energy.
The biggest benefit of the keto diet is that it certainly appears to work. There are a number of before and after stories on the internet, with many people succeeding in their weight loss goals. As there are many fad diets that aren’t all they are promised to be, it is encouraging to note that the keto diet is not one of them. People are losing weight when their bodies are put into ketosis, and they are also losing weight because they feel less hungry than they do on more restricted diets. As a consequence, they aren’t tempted to eat between meals.
Another benefit of the keto diet is that people can still eat the high-fat foods they usually enjoy and still lose weight. Such foods include red meats, cheese, and fatty fish.
Aside from weight loss, there are a number of health benefits associated with the keto diet. Of course, some of these can be expected, as there will be a reduced risk of weight-related health issues. But studies have also found that the keto diet can benefit cancer treatments, and there is evidence to suggest it can reduce seizures in epilepsy patients too. Further health benefits include increased brain protection, improved heart health, and greater control of blood sugar levels.
The point of the keto diet is to avoid eating too many carbs. When coming up with a meal plan, you should keep your carb intake under 50 grams per day, and ideally, below 20 grams. The fewer carbs you eat, the more likely you are to reach ketosis.
So, on a keto diet, there will be some foods that should avoid completely. These will include sugary foods, as well as anything starchy, such as bread and pasta. The foods you do eat should be high in fat and moderately high in protein.
As a rough guideline, you should be looking at meal plans that consist of 5% carbohydrates, 15-25% protein, and 75% fat.
Keto-friendly foods include:
Foods to avoid include:
We can advise you further on the foods you should and shouldn’t eat on a keto diet so get in touch with us to learn more. However, if you’re considering what to prepare for your meals, here are some keto recipes that could form part of your meal plan.
When trying to lose weight, it’s important to find a solution that is right for you. Not every diet works for everybody and the same is true of the keto diet. If you are put off by the fact that you can’t eat some of the foods we listed, it might be worth trying a different kind of diet. However, if some of your favorite foods can be included in your meal plan, you might consider it. You might also consider it if you’re happy to sacrifice the foods that you shouldn’t eat on the keto diet.
But before you decide on the ketogenic diet, speak to a healthcare professional. People with certain conditions shouldn’t attempt this type of diet plan, including those who are at risk of heart disease or who have type-1 diabetes. Pregnant women are advised not to attempt the keto diet either.
The bottom line is this. If you want to lose weight, the keto diet could be right for you. Many people have benefited and you could see the benefits too. Low-carb diets have been known to help people shed pounds and reduce fat faster than many other diets, although you will need to be committed to making the relevant changes in your daily meal plans. You will also need to make lifestyle changes, such as committing to more exercise, for longer-term results.
For more information, read our complete guide to the keto diet plan and get in touch with our friendly team. We can advise you on whether this is the right weight loss solution for you or not, and we can suggest other weight loss options that might be worth considering.