Supplementing with testosterone can make up for deficiencies. Right now, 25% of men 30 and up have low testosterone levels. This essential hormone dictates a lot about your entire health and quality of life.
Hormone pellets are a popular option for men struggling with low testosterone. Keep reading to learn more about testosterone pellets and how they can be a game-changer for you.
So what are testosterone pellets? These pellets are about 3mm wide and contain dense amounts of testosterone. A medical professional installs these pellets under a layer of your skin so that the hormone can slow release over the next several months.
Taking testosterone pellets has all sorts of nutrition value, and improving your intake can bolster your health in so many ways. Here are a few reasons that people buy and use these pellets:
Many people take testosterone therapy so that they can build some solid muscle. It's harder to make huge gains in the gym with low testosterone levels.
Sculpting the muscular body of your dreams is great for your physical and mental health. You'll take pride in pounding the stone and getting just a percentage point stronger each day when you know that the addition of testosterone is providing a compounding effect.
Your muscles will not only grow faster, but your body will also heal quicker from your workouts.
Building muscle mass is also an incredible way to improve your immune system and metabolism. A strong body gets sick less, deals with pain better, and performs better as a whole.
The improvement in sex drive alone makes taking testosterone tablets worth the value.
In fact, not feeling like your old self in the bedroom is one of the biggest signs of a testosterone deficiency. Improving your testosterone levels through the use of pellets will help you to recapture that carnal feeling, help you have firmer erections that last longer, prevents performance anxiety, and strengthens your libido.
Your partner will be pleased and you'll walk around with more sexual confidence and fulfillment. Many men who regain this sexual spark firm find that the romance magically returns to their marriage.
This makes their household more peaceful and promotes a sense of harmony that truly makes a man feel like he's winning at life.
It's hard to lock in on your everyday life if you're always feeling passive and lethargic.
Adding testosterone to your life gives you your edge back and helps you to walk around with more energy. Men who get their testosterone levels in order report walking around with more euphoria and attentiveness in their daily lives.
You'll find yourself achieving more in the workplace while still showing presence in your family life. You may also become less dependent on coffee and unhealthy habits to provide you a jolt in your life.
That jolt will come naturally and will power you through your weeks.
Men who supplement with testosterone also report better mental performance. The hormone clears up the dreaded brain fog and helps with your ability to make cognitive connections.
It becomes easier to pay attention and you'll have better memory. When your brain is working with peak performance you'll find yourself speaking more eloquently and coming up with some of your best ideas.
The reason that testosterone is such a game-changer is that it helps you feel comfortable in your skin. This boost lets you realize just how much of your anxiety, depression, and insecurity don't have to control you.
The rise in your confidence brings about a sense of pride that helps you feel happy in everyday situations. This inspiration can lead to more fulfillment in your personal life and inspiration that can fuel your mission.
The testosterone hormone also promotes heart health. It helps to improve your blood flow since your veins will become less constricted.
A healthy heart is less likely to have problems with cholesterol or blood pressure. You can lower your cholesterol levels and prevent problems like strokes and heart attacks.
Maintaining a healthy heart is especially important as you age since cardiovascular problems are a leading cause of death.
You will show up to No Shave November ready to compete when you're taking testosterone. Increasing these hormone amounts will let you enjoy how thick and evenly your beard and mustache grow in.
You will have more facial hair options to play with, which can revolutionize your whole look.
By looking into testosterone pellets you can improve your health in so many ways. Above all, know that testosterone pellets are safe and productive. It gives you improvements in your hormone levels that can let you enjoy the benefits above and then some.
If you're looking to hold back the hands of time and grow your testosterone levels, our clinic would be happy to assist you. We've been helping Chicagoans lose weight for years and would be proud to make you next among our long list of satisfied patients.
Our staff would be happy to answer any questions that you have. Reach out to learn more about intermittent fasting, testosterone therapy, and more!
Dr. Anand Thakkar is a licensed Internal Medicine physician. He is Board Certified in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine. He has been a member of the teaching faculty for students at Chicago Medical School and has been featured on ABC, FOX, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, and Forbes as a recognized authority in wellness, fitness & nutrition, weight loss, anti-aging, hormones & metabolic medicine, holistic medicine, lifestyle coaching and women's & men's health.
Learn more about Dr. Thakkar or Chicago Weight Loss and Wellness Clinics here.